March was a fantastic month for us, with totally different events for all members.
We started March off with a such an usually light painting night from our normal nights we've had in the past. We had a lovely young lady named Sky, who is a performer. While we got the backdrop set up & then our selves, Sky went & got ready into one of her stunning outfits she had brought, along with a few accessories for our light painting night.
Once set up & our members were ready, we turned out the lights & Sky got her self into position & on came the light up hula hoops (which cost in the region of £300/£400 each) & Sky began to spin, move & dance with the hoops. With members having their camera's on tripods, they put in their settings for an average time of 3 to 5 seconds, leaving that shutter open for that long, meant the members captured some amazing & wonderful images. Sky changed the hula hoops for ones with different lights that created patterns, again, the members captured some amazing images. We gave Sky a brake for 10 mins, as her poor arms were sore from all the waving around of the hoops. Sky then moved on to light up fans. These were a fan that opened up, but instead of being made of paper like most fans, these were made of silk & were really long, which had some white LED lights running through them. Once again, Sky was fantastic, contently moving the fans around & creating waves. The images again, speak for themselves.
Once we had a play around the fans, Sky went & got changed into her final outfit, before we all moved outside for the finale. The members all set themselves up on the grass near the path & waited for Sky's arrival. Sky arrived in a stunning outfit & a some tubs, wires with balls on the end & a couple of what can only be describe as metal forks. Members all in row waiting, Sky on the footpath setting her self up, the first shot coming! Sky lit up the balls on the end of the wire & started spinning. The clicks on the cameras started & the images once again looked amazing! The next set up was the large forks lit up & finally the Sky started eating the fire to finish the night off. This is a night we will not forget & we can't wait until Sky returns.
Second week in, we had the wonderful Graham Currey back at the club. Graham has been to the club many times over the years & is always a welcome return. This time, Graham brought two outfits along with him, an American pilot & an American General / Officer. We set the fine art backdrop up, lights & Graham wore is General / Officer outfit first. Few test shots & the members were good to go! One after another the members each took their turn shooting Graham (with camera's by the way haha), while he sat on a chair doing pose after pose for them. After the first round of photographers, we removed the chair & went again. Then we removed 2 lights, leaving us with one & we all shot again, which created an amazing image for us all. Not one member took a bad image & they were all pleased. We took a short break, while Graham changed into his Pilot outfit & we set the lights again. Once again, the members each took a turn capturing Graham in this wonderful outfit. The images again speak for themselves & we can't wait for August, when we have arranged for a full day with Graham in Liverpool.
The third week we had one of our very own members come in for a talk on Panoramic Photography and printing. Bill belongs to a couple of clubs and loves his landscape images. Bill brought in close to 50 prints images, some of which were nearly 2 meters in length. Bill spoke about the locations he has visited, the settings, the process he went through to photograph them into a panoramic and how some took up to 15 / 20 images to create a full pano and also his printing set up. All the members were inspired and amazed at Bills images and at the locations he has visited. Some members were interested in the taking of the images and how it was done and put together, while others were more interested in the printing side of the panoramic photography and wanted to know how long do they take to print, the paper he uses, the ink and even the printer. The whole night was a very interesting night and we can't wait to see Bill back again, to view more of his images.
Week four was a critique night. Members submit images and receive constructive feedback from other members on improving their photography or editing skills. It's a fantastic way for members to improve their photography regularly.
The last and final week of March, saw the club doing something we've never tried before, splash photography. We set up a tank and filled it two thirds with water, placed this in front of a black blackdrop and put a strobe light with some scrims to one of the tank and dialled in our settings. Dropping in veg, fruit and other random objects in to the tank, the members took turns timing their shots to perfection. This was our first attempt at doing this and so more practice would be needed to get the images looking better, sharper and brighter. But for our first attempt, I felt we and the members did very well.
I thought I posted this at the end of March, it was only when I was writing up April's highlights, I noticed I had, deepest apologies for the delay :(
All the images below belong to the members (copyright belongs to them) and have either come straight out of camera or have had some editing. Not all members edit.
